Politecnico di Milano - P.zza L. da Vinci, 32 - 20133 Milano - Tel. +39.02.2399.6188


to the advanced course on
"High Resolution Electronic Measurements in Nano-Bio Science"

Registration fee:

The course has no registration fee

Registration steps:
(1) - fill in the registration form
(2) - send the registration form, not later than Wednesday, JUNE the 4th, 2025 to the secretary of the course, Mrs. Marjorie Ballesteros, Dipartimento di Elettronica, Informazione e Bioingegneria, Via Golgi 42 (ed. 24), 20133 Milano, Tel. 02.23993430,

Il modulo di iscrizione deve essere consegnato anche dai dottorandi del Politecnico di Milano

Dead line: registration to the course should be completed by JUNE the 4th, 2025 .

Administrative contact: Dipartimento di Elettronica, Informazione e Bioingegneria, Mrs. Marjorie Ballesteros, email: secretary

Hotels located near the University site

HOME PAGE   |   Secretary office: Marjorie Ballesteros - Tel. 02.2399.3430, email: marjorie.ballesteros@polimi.it